
API JSON Interface (JSON version of SOAP api interface)


A set of JSON based API services to interact with the multiple job posting and applicant tracking system. There is also an optional Administration service around managing users, credentials and quota.

This is based on the XML based SOAP service but will accept and return JSON (and standard SOAP). Simply change your Content-Type to be application/json and convert the XML sample object into a compatible and similar JSON object and JSON will be returned. You can convert the XML to JSON structures here.

You can view JSON payload samples through Multiposter.ashx but the primary service end point (which supports XML and JSON) remains Multiposter.asmx.

Important: To receive back JSON the request has to be a POST made with the Content-Type: application/json to prevent CSS attacks. (Why HTTP POST with Content-Type: application/json)

By example:

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: nn

{ "Request":
	"sCultureID": "en-GB",
	"sAPIKey": "TBC",
	"sFieldID": "15"

Responses commonly include a data object d

  "d": [{
    "__type": "MPATSAPI.Models.GetValue",
    "CultureID": "en",
    "Description": "Accounting",
    "FieldID": 15,
    "OrganisationID": 0,
    "SortOrder": null,
    "Value": "AC"
    }, ...

or an exception or message object

  "Message": "message",
  "StackTrace": "   at ...",
  "ExceptionType": "System.TypeOfException"

Service Description

The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.