
Click here for a complete list of operations.


from AddAdvertCandidateWithFilters

Attach a candidate to the application pipeline using their email address, information to locate an advert, and a specific feed identifier or feed id are required.

HTTP POST with Content-Type: application/json

{ "Request": { "sCultureID": "", "sAPIKey": "string" ... } }


The test form is only available for requests from the local machine.

SOAP 1.1

The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /JSON/Multiposter.asmx/AddAdvertCandidate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

  "Request": {
    "sCultureID": "string",
    "sAPIKey": "string",
    "sUsername": "string",
    "sUserIdentifier": "string",
    "sStartOrganisation": "string",
    "sAdvertIdentifier": "string",
    "sAdvertReference": "string",
    "sAdvertID": "string",
    "sSearchDays": "string",
    "sFeedID": "string",
    "sFeedIdentifier": "string",
    "sCandidateEmail": "string",
    "sCandidateFirstName": "string",
    "sCandidateLastName": "string",
    "sCandidateHomePhone": "string",
    "sCandidateWorkPhone": "string",
    "sCandidateMobilePhone": "string",
    "Filters": [
      "NameValueFilter": [
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" },
        "ValueDateTime": Date(),
        "Comparitor": "Equals or StartsWith or EndsWith or Contains or LessThan or GreaterThan or LessThanDate or GreaterThanDate"
      "NameValueFilter": [
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" },
        "ValueDateTime": Date(),
        "Comparitor": "Equals or StartsWith or EndsWith or Contains or LessThan or GreaterThan or LessThanDate or GreaterThanDate"
    "CandidateDetail": [
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" }
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

{ "d": [ or {boolean]

SOAP 1.2

The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /JSON/Multiposter.asmx/AddAdvertCandidate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

  "Request": {
    "sCultureID": "string",
    "sAPIKey": "string",
    "sUsername": "string",
    "sUserIdentifier": "string",
    "sStartOrganisation": "string",
    "sAdvertIdentifier": "string",
    "sAdvertReference": "string",
    "sAdvertID": "string",
    "sSearchDays": "string",
    "sFeedID": "string",
    "sFeedIdentifier": "string",
    "sCandidateEmail": "string",
    "sCandidateFirstName": "string",
    "sCandidateLastName": "string",
    "sCandidateHomePhone": "string",
    "sCandidateWorkPhone": "string",
    "sCandidateMobilePhone": "string",
    "Filters": [
      "NameValueFilter": [
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" },
        "ValueDateTime": Date(),
        "Comparitor": "Equals or StartsWith or EndsWith or Contains or LessThan or GreaterThan or LessThanDate or GreaterThanDate"
      "NameValueFilter": [
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" },
        "ValueDateTime": Date(),
        "Comparitor": "Equals or StartsWith or EndsWith or Contains or LessThan or GreaterThan or LessThanDate or GreaterThanDate"
    "CandidateDetail": [
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" }
        "Name": "string",
        "Value": "string",
        { "object": "object" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

{ "d": [ or {boolean]