
Click here for a complete list of operations.


from FeedQuotaList

Provides a mechanism to retrieve the feed credentials for a specific organisation or user.
Optionally specify a higher level login and a sOrganisationIdentifier or sUserIdentifier

This item contains both Quota details (AuthValue1..5, FeedCost.. etc) and feed list details (FeedIdentifier, FeedName, AuthNotes, etc).


The test form is only available for requests from the local machine.

SOAP 1.1

The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /JSON/Administration.asmx/FeedQuotaList HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

  "Request": {
    "sCultureID": "string",
    "sAPIKey": "string",
    "sUsername": "string",
    "sPassword": "string",
    "sOrganisationIdentifier": "string",
    "sUserIdentifier": "string",
    "DestinationsAsCSV": "string"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

{ "d": [ or {
    { "__type":"MPATSAPI.Models.CFeedQuotaWithFeedList",
      "Auth1": "string",
      "Auth2": "string",
      "Auth3": "string",
      "Auth4": "string",
      "Auth5": "string",
      "AuthNotes": "string",
      "CultureID": "string",
      "FeedName": "string",
      "FeedTypeID": unsignedByte,
      "Free": unsignedByte,
      "HomePageURL": "string",
      "LogoURL": "string",
      "ContactName": "string",
      "ContactPhone": "string",
      "ContactEmail": "string",
      "SupportDelete": boolean,
      "SupportFix": boolean,
      "UploadTimes": "string",
      "UploadTimesCache": "string",
      "Visibility": int,
      "LiveDate": Date(),
      "ShortDescription": "string",
      "SpecialHandlingRequired": boolean
    { "__type":"MPATSAPI.Models.CFeedQuotaWithFeedList",
      "Auth1": "string",
      "Auth2": "string",
      "Auth3": "string",
      "Auth4": "string",
      "Auth5": "string",
      "AuthNotes": "string",
      "CultureID": "string",
      "FeedName": "string",
      "FeedTypeID": unsignedByte,
      "Free": unsignedByte,
      "HomePageURL": "string",
      "LogoURL": "string",
      "ContactName": "string",
      "ContactPhone": "string",
      "ContactEmail": "string",
      "SupportDelete": boolean,
      "SupportFix": boolean,
      "UploadTimes": "string",
      "UploadTimesCache": "string",
      "Visibility": int,
      "LiveDate": Date(),
      "ShortDescription": "string",
      "SpecialHandlingRequired": boolean

SOAP 1.2

The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /JSON/Administration.asmx/FeedQuotaList HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

  "Request": {
    "sCultureID": "string",
    "sAPIKey": "string",
    "sUsername": "string",
    "sPassword": "string",
    "sOrganisationIdentifier": "string",
    "sUserIdentifier": "string",
    "DestinationsAsCSV": "string"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

{ "d": [ or {
    { "__type":"MPATSAPI.Models.CFeedQuotaWithFeedList",
      "Auth1": "string",
      "Auth2": "string",
      "Auth3": "string",
      "Auth4": "string",
      "Auth5": "string",
      "AuthNotes": "string",
      "CultureID": "string",
      "FeedName": "string",
      "FeedTypeID": unsignedByte,
      "Free": unsignedByte,
      "HomePageURL": "string",
      "LogoURL": "string",
      "ContactName": "string",
      "ContactPhone": "string",
      "ContactEmail": "string",
      "SupportDelete": boolean,
      "SupportFix": boolean,
      "UploadTimes": "string",
      "UploadTimesCache": "string",
      "Visibility": int,
      "LiveDate": Date(),
      "ShortDescription": "string",
      "SpecialHandlingRequired": boolean
    { "__type":"MPATSAPI.Models.CFeedQuotaWithFeedList",
      "Auth1": "string",
      "Auth2": "string",
      "Auth3": "string",
      "Auth4": "string",
      "Auth5": "string",
      "AuthNotes": "string",
      "CultureID": "string",
      "FeedName": "string",
      "FeedTypeID": unsignedByte,
      "Free": unsignedByte,
      "HomePageURL": "string",
      "LogoURL": "string",
      "ContactName": "string",
      "ContactPhone": "string",
      "ContactEmail": "string",
      "SupportDelete": boolean,
      "SupportFix": boolean,
      "UploadTimes": "string",
      "UploadTimesCache": "string",
      "Visibility": int,
      "LiveDate": Date(),
      "ShortDescription": "string",
      "SpecialHandlingRequired": boolean